12th GreeceJS Meetup, Wednesday Feb 17, 2016 at InnovAthens

Hey all,

We are hosting our 12th GreeceJS meetup on Wednesday, Feb 17 at InnovAthens. RSVP at meetup.com and join us for some great talks and lots of networking over pizza and beer!


18:00 – 18:45
Networking, pizza and beer.

18:45 – 19:15
Building OS-agnostic command line tools with Node.js
Angelos Chaidas, Senior Frontend Developer @Adzuna

19:25 – 19:55
Meteor – A better way to build apps
Miltos Stamos, Web Developer @Peopleperhour.com

20:05 – 20:15
A message from our sponsor: Infamous Labs

20:20 – 20:50
Challenges with developing Smart TV applications
Ioannis Foukarakis, CTO @InfamousLabs


InnovAthens (Pireos 100, Athens, 118 54)


Pizzas are an offer of e-food.gr.
Beers & gifts (TBA soon) are covered by Infamous Labs.
Location is kindly provided by InnovAthens.


